Category: Wordpress

Tracking Known WordPress Users in Mautic with the Official Mautic Plugin

A new option was recently added to the official Mautic WordPress plugin (Version 2.1.0), but it won’t do anything out of the box.

Here’s how to set it up to track extra information from your logged-in users.

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Adding Woocomerce Bought Product Tags to Mautic Users

This is a follow-up to the original post about adding Mautic tags to users based on what they view on your site.

In this post, I’m going to add (or remove) tags after check out, based on the products that the user bought. Continue reading “Adding Woocomerce Bought Product Tags to Mautic Users” ››

Tagging WordPress and Woocomerce Users in Mautic

The official WordPress plugin for Mauitc comes with a number of shortcodes, which makes it easy to add Mautic forms and content into posts and pages.

One of the shortcodes adds the ability to tag (or un-tag) visitors in Mautic depending on the pages they view. This makes it easy to tag visitors dynamically by using the shortcode within theme files.

This can be useful for many reasons. A couple that comes to mind are tagging users with the type of product that they viewed so follow up emails can be sent for similar products, or blog categories so you know which subjects each user is interested in.

The following technique can be used on any website by using the tracking pixel tag, but the following example code is specific to WordPress. Continue reading “Tagging WordPress and Woocomerce Users in Mautic” ››

Adding Custom Mime Types for WordPress Uploads

WordPress allows the upload of different filetypes to posts through custom fields, but it only understands certain file types by default.

As an example, if you wanted to allow the upload of ebook formats like epub and mobi, you need to tell WordPress how to understand those filetypes.

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Selecting WordPress Posts That Contain a String in PhpMyAdmin

Posted in Wordpress

I was asked to find a list of posts in a WordPress install where the body text contained a certain string. Subsequently, I discovered how bad the search is in the post listing screen and decided it would be easier to find them in the database.

To just grab the useful information, I used the following SQL:

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